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Tag: microservice

Microservice discovery with Spring Boot and Eureka

One of the standard problems with Microservices Architecture is the issue of service discovery. Once we’ve decomposed our application into more than a handful of distinct microservices, it becomes difficult for every service to know the address of every other service it depends on. Configuring dependencies from inside a microservice is impractical – it distributes configuration among all the microservices. It also violates the DRY principle – multiple microservice instances will need access to the same configuration settings. What’s more, it goes against the Dependency Injection design that’s supposed to be one of the benefits of the Microservices Architecture.

The standard solution is to delegate location of microservices to a new microservice. In keeping with the Single Responsibility Principle, this ‘discovery’ microservice is responsible for tracking the locations of all the other microservices and nothing else.

Netflix’s Eureka is an implementation of a discovery server and integration is provided by Spring Boot. Using Spring Boot, we can build a Eureka discovery server and have our microservices register with it.

No code REST services with Spring Boot and Spring Data REST

CRUD REST services are the backbone of a microservice architecture. If we want to use microservices rather than monolithic applications, it’s essential that we can create a basic service with a minimum of effort. Spring Boot can be used to quickly create and deploy a new web service. Spring Data REST can be used to build out the REST interface based on a database entity model. Using both together allows us to create a running RESTful web service with zero custom Java code and no tricky XML.

This article describes how to build a RESTful web service as an executable JAR that provides CRUD operations against a single MySQL database table.

This demo can be downloaded from GitHub in the Spanners Demo Application version 4.0 (spanners-api module). You can run the working example as a docker-compose stack, along with the associated MySQL database and the Spring MVC web app that consumes the service (see the previous post on docker-compose for details on how to run this).