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Integration Tests with Selenium and tomcat7-maven-plugin

Integration tests are a valuable tool in the development of robust, quality software. Once each individual component has been unit tested, the integration test gives some confidence that the system stack as a whole does what is expected. Like unit tests, a great deal of the value of integration tests comes from the regression suite that they create. After any defect fix or enhancement to software, the unit and integration tests confirm that all existing features do exactly what they did before. If these tests are automated, they cost nothing to run and they’ll stay silent unless a defect is discovered.

I’ve looked at unit testing a few times in the past but this post explains how to integration test the full stack – database, Java application and web server. In this case, I’m running the tests as part of the Maven build lifecycle. As usual, I’m working from the Spanners demo (available for download), mainly working against the spanners-struts web component.

Web service testing with soapUI

In my previous post regarding Spring-WS and Security I didn’t mention anything about testing the resulting SOAP service. Particularly when it comes to secure services, it’s vitally important to test. First, we want to make sure that the service is functionally correct – that it returns the correct results. Second, we want to make sure it is secure – that it refuses service to any request that does not meet our security requirements.

With regard to how we test, it’s simplest to use some SOAP editor tool that lets us fiddle with the request and press a button to retest instantly. But ideally we want some programmatic test that can be included in the test phase of our build.

This post describes testing the now legendary Spanners WS demo with the following requirements:

  1. Tests must be functional – they test what the webservice does
  2. Security is tested
  3. Tests can be tweaked and rerun instantly
  4. Tests can be included in build process

The updated source of the Spanners WS demo including the tests described here is available to download.

Spring-WS and Security

Spring Web Services (Spring-WS) are a neat way of declaratively creating SOAP web services using Spring with a minimum of boilerplate code usually associated with web services. I’d recommend it as the best way to create web services for a Spring application. When it comes to WS-Security (message encryption, authentication, signatures and so on) it is absolutely vital. It simplifies the very complicated business of securing messages to a few lines of declarative code.

I found the documentation provided by Spring on writing Spring-WS services and securing Spring-WS services very in depth and thorough but I’ve not yet found a good simple example app. This demo is about the simplest possible web service with the most standard WS-Security features enabled.

Tapestry Quickstart

As preparation for a recent interview, I decided to attempt to download, install and run an example Tapestry web application. I set aside a couple of hours to get this going. I expected to have to download an installation bundle, extract it, run an installer, install some dependencies, install and configure a webserver, start some services, write some code, debug, swear a bit then give up and just read an online tutorial.

As it happens, all you need is Maven 2. Running two goals with no particular config will download Tapestry and all dependencies, build and deploy a sample webapp and then run it in a webserver (which it will install too!).